Sunday, August 8, 2010

Unification Using Term-DAGs

What is unification? See here.

For the algorithm and formal explenation see here.

Why does the ConstantNode inherits from FunctionNode. That is because you can think ConstantNode as a Function with outdegree (arguments) 0.

What did you want to do with this? See here

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from pprint import pprint

class TermNode(object):

def __init__(self, symbol):
self.symbol = symbol
self._parents = []
self._children = []

def _add_parent(self, node):
This function appends a parent to the node,
parents should only be appended when we append self
to another node.

def empty_parents(self):
This function removes all parents
self._parents = []

def parents(self):
return self._parents

def children(self):
return self._children

def _append_term(self, node):
# check that it's a node, or at least has its interface
if not hasattr(node, '_add_parent'):
typename = str(type(node))
raise TypeError('Node expected, instead ' + typename + ' given')


def __len__(self):
return len(self._children)

def __getitem__(self, index):
if len(self) <= index:
raise IndexError('index out of range')
return self._children[index]

def __setitem__(self, index, value):
if len(self) <= index:
raise IndexError('assignment index out of range')
# value should be a node
if not hasattr(value, '_add_parent'):
typename = str(type(node))
raise TypeError('Node expected, instead ' + typename + ' given')

self._children[index] = value

def __contains__(self, other):
stack = [self]

while stack:
elem = stack.pop(0)
if other is elem:
return True
stack += elem.children

return False

def __repr__(self):
return 'TermNode(' + repr(self.symbol) + ')'

def is_function_node(self):
return False

def is_variable_node(self):
return False

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.symbol == other.symbol

class VariableNode(TermNode):

def is_variable_node(self):
return True

def __repr__(self):
return "VariableNode(" + repr(self.symbol) + ")"

class FunctionNode(TermNode):

def __init__(self, symbol, outdegree, children_list):
if len(children_list) != outdegree:
raise ValueError('The list of children is different'
' than the outdegree')

super(FunctionNode, self).__init__(symbol)
self.outdegree = outdegree

for child in children_list:

def is_function_node(self):
return True

def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.symbol == other.symbol and
self.outdegree == other.outdegree)

def __repr__(self):
return ('FuntionNode(' +
repr(self.symbol) + ', ' +
repr(self.outdegree) + ', ' +
repr(self.children) + ')')

class ConstantNode(FunctionNode):

def __init__(self, symbol):
super(ConstantNode, self).__init__(symbol, 0, [])

def __repr__(self):
return ('ConstantNode(' +

class SymbolClashException(Exception):

class OccursCheckException(Exception):

class TermDAG(object):
Represents a directe acyclic graph for terms
def replace(self, node, othernode):
Merges two node, say we have nodes s and t and we wan to merge them

Let parents(s) = {p1, ..., pn }; then
1. For each pi, replace the subterm arc pi -> s by pi -> t
Note: this is done by p[k] = othernode in the code, where k is the
position of the node 's' in the list and othernode is 't'
2. Let parents(t) := parents(s) U parents(t);
Note: U represents the set union; in code this is done
when we you use __setitem__, that is p[k] = othernode
3. Let parents(s) := Empty

for p in node.parents:
for k, child in enumerate(p.children):
if node is child:
p[k] = othernode

def unify(self, node, other, sigma=None):
if sigma is None:
sigma = []

if node is other:

elif node.is_function_node() and other.is_function_node():
if node == other:
for i in xrange(0, node.outdegree):
self.unify(node[i], other[i], sigma)
raise SymbolClashException()

elif not node.is_variable_node():
self.unify(other, node, sigma)

elif node in other:
raise OccursCheckException()

sigma.append((node, other))
self.replace(node, other)

return sigma

if __name__ == '__main__':
y = VariableNode('y')

f = FunctionNode('f', 2, [FunctionNode('g', 1, [y]),
FunctionNode('g', 1, [y]),

f_ = FunctionNode('f', 2, [VariableNode('x'),
FunctionNode('g', 1, [ConstantNode('a')])])

print repr(f)
print '--'

print repr(f_)
print '--'

dag_manager = TermDAG()

sigma = dag_manager.unify(f, f_)
except SymbolClashException:
print 'Failed to unify'
except OccursCheckException:
print 'Failed to unify'
print sigma