Sunday, December 19, 2010

Poor Man's Erlang IRC Client

I need comments on this.

-import(lists, [concat/1, keysearch/3]).
-export([start/2, stop/0]).
-export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_event/2, handle_call/2, handle_info/2]).
-export([repl/0, conn/3]).

conn(ClientPid, Host, PortNo) ->
Result = gen_tcp:connect(Host, PortNo, [binary,
{active, true},
{packet, line},
{keepalive, true},
{nodelay, true}]),
case Result of
{ok, Socket} ->
Pid = spawn(fun() -> loop(ClientPid, Socket) end),
gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("Error, reason: ~p~n", [Reason]),

loop(ClientPid, Socket) ->
{tcp, _Socket, Data} ->
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, {recv, Data}),
loop(ClientPid, Socket);
{tcp_closed, _Socket} ->
io:format("[SOCKET] Connection Closed.~n"),
{tcp_error, _Socket, Reason} ->
io:format("[SOCKET] Error, reason: ~p~n", [Reason]),
{send, ClientPid, Data} ->
gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data),
loop(ClientPid, Socket);
{close, ClientPid} ->
io:format("[SOCKET] Closing connection...~n"),
Msg ->
io:format("[SOCKET] Recv: ~p~n", [Msg])

% exported functions
start(Host, PortNo) ->
gen_event:start({local, ?MODULE}),
gen_event:add_handler(?MODULE, ?MODULE, [{host, Host}, {port, PortNo}]).

stop() ->

% helper
irc_msg(Args) ->
lists:concat(Args) ++ "\r\n".

% gen_event behaviour
init(Args) ->
io:format("*** initiating gen_event ***~n"),
{value, {host, Host}} = keysearch(host, 1, Args),
{value, {port, PortNo}} = keysearch(port, 1, Args),
Pid = conn(self(), Host, PortNo),
State = {disconnected, Pid},
{ok, State}.

handle_event({recv, Line}, State) ->
io:format("~s", [binary_to_list(Line)]),
{ok, State};
handle_event({send, Line}, {_, Pid}=State) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), Line ++ "\r\n"},
{ok, State};
handle_event({pass, Password}, {disconnected, Pid}) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), irc_msg(["PASS ", Password])},
{ok, {nick, Pid}};
handle_event({nick, Nickname}, {nick, Pid}) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), irc_msg(["NICK ", Nickname])},
{ok, {user, Pid}};
handle_event({user, Nickname, Realname}, {user, Pid}) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), irc_msg(["USER ", Nickname, " 0 * :", Realname])},
{ok, {connected, Pid}};
handle_event({privmsg, To, Msg}, {connected, Pid}) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), irc_msg(["PRIVMSG ", To, " :", Msg])},
{ok, {connected, Pid}};
handle_event({join, Channel}, {connected, Pid}) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), irc_msg(["JOIN ", Channel])},
{ok, {connected, Pid}};
handle_event(quit, {connected, Pid}) ->
Pid ! {send, self(), irc_msg(["QUIT"])},
{ok, {disconnected, Pid}};
handle_event(Event, State) ->
io:format("*** Error Unknow Event: ~p ***~n", [Event]),
{ok, State}.

handle_call(_Request, State) ->
io:format("~p~n", [State]),
{ok, State, State}.

handle_info(_Info, State) ->
io:format("~p, my pid: ~n", [State]),
{ok, State}.

terminate({stop, Reason}, {_, Pid}) ->
io:format("Stoping: ~p~n", [Reason]),
Pid ! {close, self()},
terminate(stop, {_, Pid}) ->
io:format("Stoping.. ~n"),
Pid ! {close, self()},


repl() ->
io:format("*** Registering ***~n"),
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, {pass, "some string"}),
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, {nick, "mynickisdick"}),
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, {user, "mynickisdick", "My Real Name"}),

repl_loop(Prompt) ->
case io:get_line(Prompt) of
eof ->
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("error: ~w~n", [Reason]);
Data ->
CleanedData = string:strip(Data, both, $\n),
Op = getops(CleanedData),
case Op of
{join, _Channel} ->
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, Op),
{privmsg, _To, _Msg} ->
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, Op),
{quit} ->
gen_event:notify(?MODULE, quit);
_ ->
io:format("Error, Op was: ~p~n", [Op]),

getops(String) ->
AvailOps = [{"/join", join, 1}, {"/quit", quit, 0}, {"/msg", privmsg, 2}],
Msg = string:tokens(String, "\t\n "),
Key = lists:nth(1, Msg),
case keysearch(Key, 1, AvailOps) of
{value, {"/msg", privmsg, 2}} ->
{privmsg, lists:nth(2, Msg),
string:join(lists:nthtail(2, Msg), " ")};
{value, {Key, Op, Len}} ->
list_to_tuple([Op] ++ lists:sublist(Msg, 2, Len));
_ ->

How to use it?

$ erl
Erlang R13B01 (erts-5.7.2) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.2 (abort with ^G)
1> c(conn).
./conn.erl:6: Warning: undefined callback function code_change/3 (behaviour 'gen_event')
2> conn:start("", 6667).
Initiating gen_event...
3> conn:repl().

You got "/join #channel", "/msg #channel text to say" or "/msg nick test to say" and of course "/quit".

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Unification Using Term-DAGs

What is unification? See here.

For the algorithm and formal explenation see here.

Why does the ConstantNode inherits from FunctionNode. That is because you can think ConstantNode as a Function with outdegree (arguments) 0.

What did you want to do with this? See here

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from pprint import pprint

class TermNode(object):

def __init__(self, symbol):
self.symbol = symbol
self._parents = []
self._children = []

def _add_parent(self, node):
This function appends a parent to the node,
parents should only be appended when we append self
to another node.

def empty_parents(self):
This function removes all parents
self._parents = []

def parents(self):
return self._parents

def children(self):
return self._children

def _append_term(self, node):
# check that it's a node, or at least has its interface
if not hasattr(node, '_add_parent'):
typename = str(type(node))
raise TypeError('Node expected, instead ' + typename + ' given')


def __len__(self):
return len(self._children)

def __getitem__(self, index):
if len(self) <= index:
raise IndexError('index out of range')
return self._children[index]

def __setitem__(self, index, value):
if len(self) <= index:
raise IndexError('assignment index out of range')
# value should be a node
if not hasattr(value, '_add_parent'):
typename = str(type(node))
raise TypeError('Node expected, instead ' + typename + ' given')

self._children[index] = value

def __contains__(self, other):
stack = [self]

while stack:
elem = stack.pop(0)
if other is elem:
return True
stack += elem.children

return False

def __repr__(self):
return 'TermNode(' + repr(self.symbol) + ')'

def is_function_node(self):
return False

def is_variable_node(self):
return False

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.symbol == other.symbol

class VariableNode(TermNode):

def is_variable_node(self):
return True

def __repr__(self):
return "VariableNode(" + repr(self.symbol) + ")"

class FunctionNode(TermNode):

def __init__(self, symbol, outdegree, children_list):
if len(children_list) != outdegree:
raise ValueError('The list of children is different'
' than the outdegree')

super(FunctionNode, self).__init__(symbol)
self.outdegree = outdegree

for child in children_list:

def is_function_node(self):
return True

def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.symbol == other.symbol and
self.outdegree == other.outdegree)

def __repr__(self):
return ('FuntionNode(' +
repr(self.symbol) + ', ' +
repr(self.outdegree) + ', ' +
repr(self.children) + ')')

class ConstantNode(FunctionNode):

def __init__(self, symbol):
super(ConstantNode, self).__init__(symbol, 0, [])

def __repr__(self):
return ('ConstantNode(' +

class SymbolClashException(Exception):

class OccursCheckException(Exception):

class TermDAG(object):
Represents a directe acyclic graph for terms
def replace(self, node, othernode):
Merges two node, say we have nodes s and t and we wan to merge them

Let parents(s) = {p1, ..., pn }; then
1. For each pi, replace the subterm arc pi -> s by pi -> t
Note: this is done by p[k] = othernode in the code, where k is the
position of the node 's' in the list and othernode is 't'
2. Let parents(t) := parents(s) U parents(t);
Note: U represents the set union; in code this is done
when we you use __setitem__, that is p[k] = othernode
3. Let parents(s) := Empty

for p in node.parents:
for k, child in enumerate(p.children):
if node is child:
p[k] = othernode

def unify(self, node, other, sigma=None):
if sigma is None:
sigma = []

if node is other:

elif node.is_function_node() and other.is_function_node():
if node == other:
for i in xrange(0, node.outdegree):
self.unify(node[i], other[i], sigma)
raise SymbolClashException()

elif not node.is_variable_node():
self.unify(other, node, sigma)

elif node in other:
raise OccursCheckException()

sigma.append((node, other))
self.replace(node, other)

return sigma

if __name__ == '__main__':
y = VariableNode('y')

f = FunctionNode('f', 2, [FunctionNode('g', 1, [y]),
FunctionNode('g', 1, [y]),

f_ = FunctionNode('f', 2, [VariableNode('x'),
FunctionNode('g', 1, [ConstantNode('a')])])

print repr(f)
print '--'

print repr(f_)
print '--'

dag_manager = TermDAG()

sigma = dag_manager.unify(f, f_)
except SymbolClashException:
print 'Failed to unify'
except OccursCheckException:
print 'Failed to unify'
print sigma

Monday, July 19, 2010

Infinite list of primes! Yay!

or until the memory gives up...

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import count
from collections import defaultdict

def seive():
table = defaultdict(list)
for x in count(2):
facts = table[x]
if facts:
del table[x]
for p in facts:
table[x+p] = table[x+p] + [p]
table[x*x] = [x]
yield x

if __name__ == '__main__':
for k, v in enumerate(seive()):
print k, v

Got the idea from here.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This is an implementation of parallel dot product of two vectors. It seems obvious that one could use AMQP as messaging interface for parallel computing. So that's what I did here. I "ported" MPI Dot Product that was shown to me in a HPC class. The version of the algorithms is supposedly from Parallel Programming with MPI by Peter Pacheco.

I used RabbitMQ as the AMQP server and py-amqplib as client.

To use it, you should run a master: python -r 0 -n 2 and a worker:
python -r 1 -n 2. The -r option works like the "RANK" attribute of MPI. The -n option is how many processes are involved.

import sys

from cPickle import dumps, loads
from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp
from optparse import OptionParser

my_rank = None
num_procs = None

DEBUG = True

# As there is no strict passing by reference I use "boxing" :-)
class Box(object):
def __init__(self): = None

def pack(self, data): = data

def unpack(self):

def __str__(self):
return '%s' %

def read_vector(conn, chan, prompt, vector_order, my_rank, num_procs):
n_bar = vector_order / num_procs

if (my_rank == 0):
s = raw_input(("Enter a list of integers of size %d:" % vector_order))

vector = [int(i) for i in s.split(",")]

except ValueError, e:
print e

local_vector = vector[0:n_bar]

fst, snd = n_bar, n_bar * 2
for q in xrange(1, num_procs):
slz = vector[fst:snd]
fst = snd
snd += n_bar

# Send
msg = amqp.Message(dumps(slz))['delivery_mode'] = 2
chan.basic_publish(msg, exchange="sorting_room",
routing_key=("key_%d" % q))

return local_vector

# Receive
local_data = Box()

def recv_callback(msg):
print ('Received, from channel #'
+ str(,
print 'data:', local_data

chan.basic_consume(queue=('po_box_%d' % my_rank), no_ack=True,
consumer_tag=("tag_%d" % my_rank))
chan.basic_cancel("tag_%d" % my_rank)

return local_data.unpack()

def main(conn, chan, my_rank, num_procs):

# Queue and exchange for broadcasting
chan.exchange_declare(exchange="bcast", type="fanout", durable=True,
chan.queue_declare(queue=("bcast_queue_%d" % my_rank), durable=True,
exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
chan.queue_bind(queue=("bcast_queue_%d" % my_rank), exchange="bcast")

# Queue and exchange for point-to-point communication
chan.exchange_declare(exchange="sorting_room", type="direct",
durable=True, auto_delete=False)
chan.queue_declare(queue=("po_box_%d" % my_rank), durable=True,
exclusive=False, auto_delete=False)
chan.queue_bind(queue=("po_box_%d" % my_rank),
routing_key=("key_%d" % my_rank))

if (my_rank == 0):

vector_order = int(raw_input("Enter an integer number:"))
except ValueError, e:
print e

# Broadcasting to a set of programs
msg = amqp.Message(dumps(vector_order))["delivery_mode"] = 2
chan.basic_publish(msg, exchange="bcast")

# Receive Bcast
local_data = Box()

def recv_callback(msg, ):
print ('Received, from channel #'
+ str(,
print 'data:', loads(msg.body)

chan.basic_consume(queue=('bcast_queue_%d' % my_rank),
consumer_tag=("bcast_tag_%d" % my_rank))

chan.basic_cancel("bcast_tag_%d" % my_rank)
print 'Done'

vector_order = local_data.unpack()

local_x = read_vector(conn, chan, "read first vector", vector_order,
my_rank, num_procs)
local_y = read_vector(conn, chan, "read second vector", vector_order,
my_rank, num_procs)

print 'Vectors:', local_x, local_y

# local dot prod
acc = 0.0
for idx in xrange(0, len(local_x)):
acc += local_x[idx] * local_y[idx]

local_dot = acc

print '[rank: %d] Local dot product: %f' % (my_rank, local_dot)

if my_rank != 0:
# send to master
msg = amqp.Message(dumps(local_dot))["delivery_mode"] = 2
chan.basic_publish(msg, exchange="sorting_room",
print '[rank: %d] done' % my_rank
# Receive messages
local_data = Box()

def recv_callback(msg):
print ('Received, from channel #'
+ str(,
print 'data:', loads(msg.body)

chan.basic_consume(queue=('po_box_%d' % my_rank),
consumer_tag=("tag_%d" % my_rank))

acc = 0.0
for i in xrange(1, num_procs):
acc += local_data.unpack()
print '[rank: %d] acc: %f' % (my_rank, acc)

chan.basic_cancel("tag_%d" % my_rank)
print '[rank: %d] done, result %f' % (my_rank, acc + local_dot)

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initializing connection
conn = amqp.Connection(host="localhost:5672", userid="guest",
password="guest", virtual_host="/",
chan =

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-r", "--rank", dest="rank",
help="Gives the rank to the process",
parser.add_option("-n", "--number_procs", dest="np", default=2,
help="Number of procs to use")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

my_rank = int(options.rank)
num_procs = int(
except ValueError, e:
print e

print 'Running with rank:', my_rank, 'and', num_procs, 'processes'

main(conn, chan, my_rank, num_procs)

# close channel and connection

Monday, May 24, 2010

Erlang Process Ring!

I though I might just post this. This is a couple of weeks old. It's the exercise from chapter four, regarding the erlang rings.

-import(erlang, [error/1]).

-define(DBG(Str, Args), io:format(Str, Args).
-define(DBG(Str, Args), ok).

%% Process that makes the ring
loop(Pid, Id) ->
{stop, FromPid} ->
?DBG("~p received msg: stop from ~p\n", [self(), FromPid]);
{Msg, FromPid} ->
?DBG("~p received msg: ~p from ~p\n", [self(), Msg, FromPid]),
case Id of
first ->
case Msg of
{_, 0} ->
Pid ! {stop, self()};
{Str, Num} ->
Pid ! {{Str, Num - 1}, self()},
loop(Pid, Id)

middle ->
Pid ! {Msg, self()},
loop(Pid, Id)

Msg ->
io:format("wtf: ~p\n", [Msg]),
error("bad message")

init() ->
{next, Pid, _} ->
?DBG("~p sends to ~p\n", [self(), Pid]),
loop(Pid, middle);
{first, Pid, Num} ->
?DBG("[first:~p] sends to ~p\n", [self(), Pid]),
Pid ! {{"hello", Num}, self()},
loop(Pid, first);
Msg ->
io:format("wtf: ~p\n", [Msg]),
error("bad init message")

%% To set up the ring
create_procs(0, PidList) ->
create_procs(N, PidList) ->
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, init, []),
NewPidList = [Pid|PidList],
create_procs(N - 1, NewPidList).

set_up_ring_(Num, Last, [Pid|[First|[]]]) -> %% Num is the number of messages
Last ! {next, First, Num},
?DBG("~p <- ~p\n", [Last, First]),
First ! {first, Pid, Num},
?DBG("~p <- ~p\n", [First, Pid]);
set_up_ring_(Num, Last, [Pid1|[Pid2|PidList]]) ->
Pid2 ! {next, Pid1, Num},
?DBG("~p <- ~p\n", [Pid2, Pid1]),
set_up_ring_(Num, Last, [Pid2|PidList]).

set_up_ring(Num, [X|[Y|XS]]) ->
set_up_ring_(Num, X, [X|[Y|XS]]);
set_up_ring(_, _) ->

start(NumProcs, NumMessages) when (NumProcs >= 2) and (NumMessages >= 1) ->
PidList = create_procs(NumProcs, []),
set_up_ring(NumMessages, PidList).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Binary Trees in Erlang

More Erlang goodness, today binary trees!

The record which describes a node

-record(node, {left=nil, load, right=nil}).

Insertion and preorder

-export([newnode/1, insert/2, preorder/1]).

newnode(Load) ->

newleaf(Load) ->
{leaf, Load}.

isnil(Node) ->
Node == nil.

insert({leaf, LeafLoad}, Load) ->
LeafLoad > Load ->
#node{left=newleaf(Load), load=LeafLoad};
LeafLoad =< Load ->
#node{load=LeafLoad, right=newleaf(Load)}
right=RightNode} = Node,
Load) ->
CurrentLoad > Load ->
case isnil(LeftNode) of
true ->
false ->
Node#node{left=insert(LeftNode, Load)}
CurrentLoad =< Load ->
case isnil(RightNode) of
true ->
false ->
Node#node{right=insert(RightNode, Load)}

preorder([], ValueList) ->
preorder([Tree|TreeList], ValueList) ->
case Tree of
#node{left=Left, load=Load, right=Right} ->
NewValueList = [Load|ValueList],
NewTreeList = [Left|[Right|TreeList]],
preorder(NewTreeList, NewValueList);
{leaf, LeafLoad} ->
NewValueList = [LeafLoad|ValueList],
preorder(TreeList, NewValueList);
nil ->
preorder(TreeList, ValueList)

preorder(Tree) ->
case Tree of
#node{left=_Left, load=_Load, right=_Right} ->
lists:reverse(preorder([Tree], []));
nil ->


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Erlang Expression Parser

I've been trying to sit down and complete this post in a sound way. This one is about an exercise in the Erlang Programming book which asks the reader to write a parser for expression of the form:


with the result looking something like:
 {minus, {plus, {num, 2}, {num, 3}}, {num, 4}} 

This last expression here, which by the way is valid Erlang, is the expression tree of the former one.

I had previous knowledge of parsers implemented in a functional a language. I used Haskell to implement part of what is in this very nice book: Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial by Simon Peyton Jones. Chapter one of the book shows us how to make a parser, using a technique called parser combinators, for the language described and implemented through out the book. The idea of parser combinators, in a nutshell, is to build a parser for a grammar combining smaller simpler parsers. The operation of combining the parser depends on the output of each parser (the analyzed result). You will see examples below in Erlang. For a thorough explanation see the links above. As I mentioned, the author presents a grammar for a programming language which includes expressions like the exercise asked as to implement.

Two thoughts might come into your mind right now:

  1. that I cheated

  2. and that I over did

Well, the code in the book is ML, the code is incomplete as there are several exercises left to the reader. About item number two; I don't know. I think there might be easier implementations but I thought that to implemented the solution in this way would be interesting (as it turned out).

A Lexer.

The parsers' input is list of tokens and to transform a string in to a list of tokens we need a lexer. It's quite simple actually. It scans the string, character by character, if the character is in a set of characters that might form a token (such a digit in a number) a function is called (takewhile) that takes elements from the string (a list) while the element satisfies a condition. Then token is then removed from the input string and the function continues recursively.

%% ------------------------- Lexer -------------------------------
isWhitespace(Symbol) ->
case Symbol of
$ -> true;
_ -> false

isDigit(Symbol) ->
($0 =< Symbol) and (Symbol =< $9).

isAlpha(Symbol) ->
($A =< Symbol) and (Symbol =< $z).

clex([], Tokens) -> Tokens;
clex([H|T], Tokens) ->
($0 =< H) and (H =< $9) ->
NumToken = [H|takewhile(fun isDigit/1, T)],
Rest = dropwhile(fun isDigit/1, T),
TokensPrime = [NumToken|Tokens],
clex(Rest, TokensPrime);
($ == H) -> %% $ is the space character, as in ' '
Rest = dropwhile(fun isWhitespace/1, T),
clex(Rest, Tokens);
(40 =< H) and (H =< 47) -> %% [40, .. ,47] == "()*+,-./"
SymbolToken = [H],
Rest = T,
TokensPrime = [SymbolToken|Tokens],
clex(Rest, TokensPrime);
($A =< H) and (H =< $z) ->
AlphaToks = [H|takewhile(fun isAlpha/1, T)],
Rest = dropwhile(fun isAlpha/1, T),
TokensPrime = [AlphaToks|Tokens],
clex(Rest, TokensPrime);
true ->
TokensPrime = [[H]|Tokens],
clex(T, TokensPrime)

clex(Str) ->
reverse(clex(Str, [])).

So the lexer (clex) function takes a list of strings and transforms it into a list of tokens.

Something we should have in mind about grammars: (Extracted from Intro. to Func. Languages by Simon Peyton Jones) The grammar may be ambiguous, so there is more than one way to parse the input; or the input may not conform to the grammar, in which case there is no way to successfully parse the input. An elegant way to accommodate these possibilities is to return a list of possible parses. (Empty list for no parse, and a list of several elements in case of ambiguity)

So with this background information in mind; what is a parser? A parser is a function which takes as input a list of tokens and returns a list of pairs of where the first components of each pair is the parsed result (of some type) and the second component is the remaining tokens. The type in haskell looks like this:

type Parser a = [Token] -> [(a, Token)]

Parsers in Erlang.

pSat(Predicate, [Tok|Toks]) ->
case Predicate(Tok) of
true ->
[{Tok, Toks}];
false -> []
pSat(Predicate, []) ->

pLit(String) ->
fun(Toks) ->
pSat(fun(OtherString) ->
String == OtherString end,

pVar() ->
fun(Toks) ->
pSat(fun(Tok) ->
Head = hd(Tok),
($A =< Head) and (Head =< $Z) end,

Those are just simple functions. pSat is a parser which takes a predicate (a boolean function) and returns the singleton list with the tuple that contains as first component the token which satisfies the predicate and the second component is the rest of list of tokens. pLit stands for 'parse literal'; it takes a string (the literal) as input and returns a parser for that literal. pVar, guess what it does! (hint: a variable starts with a capital letter).

Some combinators!

pAlt(P1, P2) ->
fun(Toks) ->
P1(Toks) ++ P2(Toks)

pThen(Func, P1, P2) ->
fun(Toks) ->
[{Func(V1, V2), Toks2}
|| {V1, Toks1} <- P1(Toks),
{V2, Toks2} <- P2(Toks1)]

pAlt represents choice it combines two parsers into one allowing to parse either expression parsed by the original parsers. pAlt would correspond to '|' of the BNF grammar. pAlt works by first using the first parser with list of tokens and then the second parser with same list of tokens and then combining the results. This is easily implemented by concatenating the result of the parses. (We used lists to express ambiguity). pThen is another parser combiner which corresponds to sequencing in BNF (number ::= < digit > < number >) It works in the following way it takes parser p1, and parses the list of tokens, then with p2 we parse what is left over of the list of tokens after p1 was applied. The results (V1, V2) are combined with function passed by the user (the combining of the results depends on what you want to do as we shall see).

Example 1.

pHelloOrGoodbye() ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pAlt(pLit("hello"), pLit("goodbye")),

keepFirst(X, Y) -> X.
keepTwo(X, Y, Z) -> {X, Y}.
mkPair(X, Y) -> {X, Y}.

pGreetings(Toks) ->
P = pThen(fun keepFirst/2,
pThen(fun mkPair/2, pHelloOrGoodbye(), pVar()),

pHelloOrGoodbye is a parser that accepts the string "hello" or the string "goodbye". Using pThen we constructed a parser which parsers "hello World" or "goodbye John".

How to Handle Repetition.

pEmpty(Val) -> fun(Toks) -> [{Val, Toks}] end.

pZeroOrMore(Parser) ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pAlt(pOneOrMore(Parser), pEmpty([])),
%% Just take the first one, get rid of the rest.
case P(Toks) of
[] -> [];
[H|_] -> [H]

%% Next function is an exercise to the reader in the book, you might want to do it yourself.

combine(X, XS) -> [X|XS].

pOneOrMore(Parser) ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pThen(fun combine/2, Parser, pZeroOrMore(Parser)),

It is very common of grammars to require zero or more repetitions of a symbol. To provide this functionality we need a function, pZeroOrMore, which takes a parser, p and returns a new parser which recognises zero or more occurrences of whatever p recognizes. pZeroOrMore must either be an empty parse, which is expressed using the pEmpty function, or one or more occurrences of p, which we implement using pOneOrMore.

Example 2.

pGreetingsN(Toks) ->
P = pZeroOrMore(fun pGreetings2/1),

Guess what this does :-)

The grammar, in Erlang.

Please check the book for the BNF grammar (it's available for free).

-import(lists, [all/2, sublist/2, takewhile/2, dropwhile/2,
nthtail/2, reverse/1]).
-export([clex/1, pThen/3, pAlt/2, mkPair/2,
pZeroOrMore/1, pOneOrMore/1, pEmpty/1, pVar/0,
pHelloOrGoodbye/0, pGreetings/1, pGreetings2/1,
pGreetingsN/1, pNum/1, pParens/1, pExpr6/0, parse/1]).

%% Here go all the functions I just showed you above...


%% --- Grammar for expresion parser ---

removeParens(X, Y, Z) ->
Y. %% where X = '(' and Z = ')'

pParens(Parser) ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pThen3(fun removeParens/3, pLit("("), Parser, pLit(")")),

pNum([]) -> [];
pNum([Token|TokenList]) ->
All = all(fun(X) -> ($0 =< X) and (X =< $9) end, Token),
case All of
true -> [{{number, Token}, TokenList}];
false -> []

aexpr() ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pAlt(fun pNum/1, pParens(pExpr4())),

assembleOp(E1, no_op) -> E1;
assembleOp(E1, {found_op, Op, E2}) ->
V = {var, Op},
Ap = {ap, V, E1},
{ap, Ap, E2}.

foundOp(Op, Expr) ->
{found_op, Op, Expr}.

pExpr4() ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pThen(fun assembleOp/2, pExpr5(), pExpr4c()),

pExpr4c() ->
fun(Toks) ->
P1 = pThen(fun foundOp/2, pLit("+"), pExpr4()),
P2 = pThen(fun foundOp/2, pLit("-"), pExpr5()),
P3 = pEmpty(no_op),
P = pAlt(P1, pAlt(P2, P3)),

pExpr5() ->
fun(Toks) ->
P = pThen(fun assembleOp/2, pExpr6(), pExpr5c()),

pExpr5c() ->
fun(Toks) ->
P1 = pThen(fun foundOp/2, pLit("*"), pExpr5()),
P2 = pThen(fun foundOp/2, pLit("/"), pExpr6()),
P3 = pEmpty(no_op),
P = pAlt(P1, pAlt(P2, P3)),

mkApChain([X]) -> X;
mkApChain([X|XS]) ->
Res = mkApChain(XS),
{ap, Res, X}.

pApply(Parser, Fun, Toks) ->
[{Fun(Val), Toks1} || {Val, Toks1} <- Parser(Toks)].

pExpr6() ->
fun(Toks) ->
pApply(pOneOrMore(aexpr()), fun mkApChain/1, Toks)

parse(Str) ->
NewStr = "(" ++ Str ++ ")",
P = pExpr6(),

Bonus Track: Haskell!

module Parser where

type Token = String

-- Lexer -----------------------------------------------------------------

isWhiteSpace :: Char -> Bool
isWhiteSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'

isDigit :: Char -> Bool
isDigit c = '0' <= c && c <= '9'

isAlpha :: Char -> Bool
isAlpha c = (('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
('a' <= c && c <= 'z'))

isIdChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdChar c = isAlpha c || isDigit c || c == '_'

clex :: String -> [Token]
clex [] = []
clex (c:cs) | isWhiteSpace c = clex cs
| isDigit c = let num_token = c : takeWhile isDigit cs
rest_cs = dropWhile isDigit cs
num_token : clex rest_cs
| isAlpha c = let var_tok = c : takeWhile isIdChar cs
rest_cs = dropWhile isIdChar cs
var_tok : clex rest_cs
| otherwise = [c] : clex cs

-- Parser --------------------------------------------------------------

type Parser a = [Token] -> [(a, [Token])]

pSat :: (String -> Bool) -> Parser String
pSat predicate (tok:toks) | predicate tok = [(tok, toks)]
| otherwise = []
pSat predicate [] = []

-- pLit :: String -> Parser String
-- pLit s (tok:toks) | s == tok = [(s, toks)]
-- | otherwise = []
-- pLit s [] = []

pLit s = pSat (== s)

-- pVar :: Parser String
-- pVar [] = []
-- pVar (tok:toks) | ('A' <= h) && (h <= 'Z') = [(tok, toks)]
-- | otherwise = []
-- where h = head tok

pVar :: Parser String
pVar = pSat (\tok -> let h = head tok in ('A' <= h) && (h <= 'Z'))

pAlt :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
pAlt p1 p2 toks = (p1 toks) ++ (p2 toks)

-- Test for pAlt ----------
pHelloOrGoodbye :: Parser String
pHelloOrGoodbye = (pLit "hello") `pAlt` (pLit "goodbye")

pThen :: (a -> b -> c) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c
pThen combine p1 p2 toks = [(combine val1 val2, toks2)
| (val1, toks1) <- p1 toks,
(val2, toks2) <- p2 toks1]

pThen3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Parser a ->
Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser d
pThen3 combine p1 p2 p3 toks =
[(combine v1 v2 v3, toks3)
| (v1, toks1) <- p1 toks,
(v2, toks2) <- p2 toks1,
(v3, toks3) <- p3 toks2]

-- Test for pThen ---------
pGreetings :: Parser (String, String)
pGreetings = pThen keep_first
(pThen mk_pair pHelloOrGoodbye pVar)
(pLit "!")
keep_first x y = x
mk_pair x y = (x, y)

pGreetings2 :: Parser (String, String)
pGreetings2 = pThen3 keep_two
(pLit "!")
where keep_two x y z = (x, y)

pEmpty :: a -> Parser a
pEmpty x toks = [(x, toks)]

pOneOrMore :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
pOneOrMore p = pThen combine p (pZeroOrMore p)
where combine x xs = x:xs

pZeroOrMore :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
pZeroOrMore p = (pOneOrMore p) `pAlt` (pEmpty [])

-- Test pZeroOrMore
pGreetingsN :: Parser Int
pGreetingsN = (pZeroOrMore pGreetings) `pApply` length

pApply :: Parser a -> (a -> b) -> Parser b
pApply p fun toks = [ (fun val, toks1) | (val, toks1) <- p toks]

pOneOrMoreWithSep :: Parser b -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
pOneOrMoreWithSep p2 p1 = -- p2 is the parser which parses the separator
pThen3 combine3
p2 p1 (pZeroOrMore (pThen combine2 p2 p1))
where combine2 y x = x
combine3 y x z = x : z

-- Test
pSepGreets :: Parser [(String, String)]
pSepGreets = pThen combine pGreetings (pOneOrMoreWithSep (pLit ";") pGreetings)
where combine x xs = x:xs

-- My Stuff ---
-- Grammar ---
type Name = String

data CoreExpr = ENum Int | EVar Name | EAp CoreExpr CoreExpr deriving (Show, Read)

-- type CoreExpr = Expr Name

pParens :: Parser b -> Parser b
pParens p = pThen3 combine (pLit "(") p (pLit ")")
combine x y z = y -- Where x = "(" and z = ")"

pNum :: Parser CoreExpr
pNum = (pSat (\tok -> (all (\x -> ('0' <= x) && (x <= '9')) tok))) `pApply` (\x -> ENum (read x))

aexpr :: Parser CoreExpr
aexpr = pNum `pAlt` (pParens pExpr4)

data PartialExpr = NoOp | FoundOp Name CoreExpr

assembleOp :: CoreExpr -> PartialExpr -> CoreExpr
assembleOp e1 NoOp = e1
assembleOp e1 (FoundOp op e2) = EAp (EAp (EVar op) e1) e2

pExpr4 :: Parser CoreExpr
pExpr4 = pThen combine pExpr5 pExpr4c
where combine = assembleOp

pExpr4c :: Parser PartialExpr
pExpr4c = (pThen combine (pLit "+") pExpr4)
`pAlt` (pThen combine (pLit "-") pExpr5)
`pAlt` (pEmpty NoOp)
where combine = FoundOp

pExpr5 :: Parser CoreExpr
pExpr5 = pThen combine pExpr6 pExpr5c
where combine = assembleOp

pExpr5c :: Parser PartialExpr
pExpr5c = (pThen combine (pLit "*") pExpr5)
`pAlt` (pThen combine (pLit "/") pExpr6)
`pAlt` (pEmpty NoOp)
where combine = FoundOp

mk_ap_chain :: [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr
mk_ap_chain [x] = x
mk_ap_chain (x:xs) = EAp (mk_ap_chain xs) x

pExpr6 = (pOneOrMore aexpr) `pApply` mk_ap_chain

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hello, World!

I've been writing many snippets of code. Some snippets do what I consider really nifty things. Some other pieces were written while I was learning a language, a framework, or just having fun. Most of them are deleted...

Why not post them? Clean them up a bit, add a short explanation, or a long one if I can. Maybe I can get some constructive criticism, or perhaps it is useful for someone out there. Considering what I just said, I think that posting is one good incentive to keep learning languages and frameworks and computer programming in general.

So here goes a snippet. The merge sort algorithm developed using the divide and conquer strategy in python.

def merge(xs, ys):
takes two ordered lists and merges keeping the order
>>> merge([1,3,5,8],[2,4,6,7])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

>>> merge([1,2,6,9],[-2,-1,6])
[-2, -1, 1, 2, 6, 6, 9]

>>> merge([-10,-2], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
[-10, -2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

merged_list = []
x_index, y_index = 0, 0

while (x_index < len(xs)) and (y_index < len(ys)):
x, y = xs[x_index], ys[y_index]
if x <= y:
x_index += 1
y_index += 1

return merged_list + (xs[x_index:] or ys[y_index:])

def merge_sort(xs):
""" Divide and conquer strategy in merge sort """

# Divide the problem
half = len(xs) / 2

# If the list is empty or singleton then it's ordered
if len(xs) <= 1:
return xs
else: # Conquer
first = xs[0:half]
second = xs[half:len(xs)]
return merge(merge_sort(first), merge_sort(second))

if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest